
July 31, 2014

Stalking old and new in Kew

Classic and contemporary. Old and new. Dark and light. High, high, high and a touch of low. (Is that an IKEA rug I spy in the study?) I'm not sure if this one has been styled down, pared back for the photo shoot or not. I love the steel doors in the old part of the house and the sleek lines of the modern extension when viewed against the Edwardian gingerbread cottage lines of the old. Stalking old and new in Melbourne. Link here while it lasts.

July 30, 2014

Luigi Fragola

It does not take long when perusing the portfolio of architecture and design firm Luigi Fragola that they are based in Europe (Florence, Italy in fact). Those brilliant folks on that side of the world really know how to make a space stunning with attention to architectural details. The shelving, cabinetry, floor tiles and colours used in these spaces is really knocking my socks off.  

Peace Love Stay

If you are ever in the Woodstock, NY area and looking for a funky place to stay, you should give Hotel Dylan a try. Designed by my favourite decorating family The Novogratz, it was a tribute to the Woodstock Music Festival of 1969, embracing sophisticated boho chic and vintage elements. Love all of the colours and patterns against the white background. 

Fire water earth

Normally, after an establishing shot of the exterior of a house, I can't wait to drag you through the interior spaces. Today I want to linger in the outdoor rooms. Pool, patio with fire place, the site itself, the views. Breath it all in. Now it's time to go inside. Earth, water, fire. Napa Valley House by Steven Harris Architects.